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BAD8: Initialize character data
Used by the routines at 8155 and 8184.
BAD8 LD IY,$BC67 Set the current player buffer (B09D) to Wally. (BC67)
Copy the initial object states. Objects 00 - 1E are held in rooms, the remainder are held by the characters.
BAE0 LD HL,$BB3E Point HL at the initial collectable object states. (BB3E)
BAE3 LD DE,$BCE9 Point DE at the start of the room object data. (BCE9)
BAE6 LD B,$1F 1F items to initialise
BAE8 PUSH BC Remember this value.
BAE9 LD A,(DE) Get the next byte.
BAEA CP $FF Is it an end marker?
BAEC JR NZ,$BAF1 Move forward if it isn't ie: there are objects here.
BAEE INC DE Otherwise move to the next byte and check the next room.
An object was found. Copy the template data.
BAF1 LDI Copy the object ID.
BAF3 INC DE Skip over the co-ordinates which are fixed.
BAF5 LDI Copy the flags.
BAF7 POP BC Restore the flags.
BAF8 DJNZ $BAE8 Loop while there are more objects to initialise.
Copy the initial data for the characters.
BAFA LD BC,$00AF Number of bytes to copy.
BAFD LD HL,$BB7C Copy from the initial template. (BB7C)
BB00 LD DE,$BC30 Copy to start of main buffer. (BC30)
BB03 LDIR Do the copy.
Set initial flags;
BB05 XOR A Set A to zero, which will be set for some flags.
BB06 LD ($ECF5),A Set the next reward screen (ECF5) to 0 (morning).
BB09 LD ($ECFE),A Set the money earned (ECFE) to £0.
BB0F INC A Set 0 letters brought to the safe. (EDC5)
BB10 LD ($EDC5),A
Set up initial data on School Lane.
BB13 LD A,$14 Set 14 asteroids left to hit. (F9F4)
BB15 LD ($F9F4),A
BB18 LD A,$28 Set the lightning bolts in School Lane to cover just the pylon area, making it inaccessible.
BB1F LD ($F5C2),A
BB22 LD A,$20
BB24 LD ($F5C6),A
Reset the money table.
BB27 LD HL,$EC5C Point HL at the earnings buffer.
BB2A LD B,$20 20 entries to look at.
BB2C LD (HL),$00 Set the ID to 0.
BB2E INC HL Point HL at the next entry.
BB31 DJNZ $BB2C Loop while there are more entries to update.
BB33 LD HL,$EC0F Point HL at the game flags. (EC0F)
BB36 LD B,$0E 0E entries to update.
BB38 LD (HL),$00 Reset the flag.
BB3A INC HL Point HL at the next one.
BB3B DJNZ $BB38 Loop while there are more flags to reset.
BB3D RET Return.
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