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6127: Run the demo
Used by the routine at 60D2.
6127 CALL $8DCC Show the high score table.
612A LD HL,$1770 Change the pause time at 670D to be longer.
612D LD ($670D),HL
6130 CALL $0DAF Clear the screen.
6133 CALL $61A6 Set up the level data.
6136 CALL $62FD Start the level.
6139 LD B,$96 Loop 96 times.
613B PUSH BC Remember BC.
613C CALL $6715 Move objects across the screen.
613F CALL $6715
6142 CALL $6715
6145 CALL $6BC4
6148 CALL $6BC4
614B CALL $6C3C
614E CALL $6C3C
6151 CALL $6C3C
6154 CALL $6CA1
6157 CALL $6CA1
615A CALL $7222
615D LD A,($60B1) Does this room have a pit?
6160 CP $00 Jump forward if not.
6162 JR Z,$6167
6164 CALL $B98C Otherwise update the rope / pit.
6167 LD A,($60B0) Does this room have soldiers?
616A CP $00 Update them if so.
616C CALL NZ,$6B47
616F CALL $670C Pause.
6172 CALL $028E Get a keypress in A.
6175 LD A,E
6176 CP $FF Was any key pressed?
6178 JP NZ,$619A Loop back round if not.
617B CALL $6D5B Update the knight.
617E LD A,($60CD) Should the knight be updated?
6181 CP $01
6183 CALL Z,$6ED7 Do the update if so?
6186 LD A,($60A0) Is this the last level?
6189 CP $0F
618B CALL Z,$6EA9 Draw Esmerelda if it is.
618E POP BC Restore BC.
618F DJNZ $613B Loop back if there's more on this level to show.
6191 LD HL,$60A0 Move forward a level.
6194 INC (HL)
6195 CALL $696E Reset all the flags for a new level.
6198 JR $612A Loop back to demo a new level.
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