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60D2: Main entry point 2
This entry point is called at the start of each level, or after losing a life
60D2 LD HL,$9C40 Copy the title screen at 9C40 to the main screen memory.
60D5 LD DE,$4000
60D8 LD BC,$1B00
60DD CALL $028E Get a keypress using the ROM keyboard scanning routine.
60E0 LD A,E Put the keypress in A.
60E1 CP $FF Was a key pressed?
60E3 JR Z,$60DD Loop back if not.
60E5 CALL $0DAF Clear the screen (ROM routine).
60E8 LD IX,$948B 948B - game options UDG data
60EC CALL $9ACA Display it.
60EF CALL $028E Get a keypress in A.
60F2 LD A,E
60F3 CP $24 Was "1" pressed?
60F5 JR NZ,$60F9 Jump forward if not.
60F7 JR $6120 Otherwise start the game.
60F9 CP $1C Was "2" pressed?
60FB JR NZ,$6104 Jump forward if not.
60FD LD A,$01 Otherwise set the Kempston flag (60B9) and start the game.
60FF LD ($60B9),A
6102 JR $6120
6104 CP $14 Was "3" pressed?
6106 JR NZ,$610F Jump forward if not.
6108 LD A,$01 Otherwise set the Protek flag (60BB) and start the game.
610A LD ($60BB),A
610D JR $6120
610F CP $0C Was "4" pressed?
6111 JR NZ,$611A Jump forward if not.
6113 LD A,$01 Otherwise set the Interface 2 flag (60BA) and start the game.
6115 LD ($60BA),A
6118 JR $6120
611A CP $04 Was "5" pressed?
611C JR NZ,$60EF Jump back to find another keypress if not.
611E JR $6127 Otherwise run the demo.
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