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61A6: Set up the playing field
Used by the routines at 6127, 62F0, 633B and 68E5.
61A6 LD A,($60A0) Get the current level (60A0).
61A9 CP $01 Is it 1?
61AB JR NZ,$61C4 Move forward if not.
61AD LD IX,$88B8 Display a complete wall.
61B1 CALL $9A4C
61B4 LD A,$01 Set R - L fireballs.
61B6 LD ($609B),A
61B9 LD HL,$608A
61BC LD (HL),$15
61BE LD HL,$6087
61C1 LD (HL),$03
61C3 RET
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