Prev: 62F0 Up: Map Next: 633B
62FD: Draw the game stats
Used by the routines at 6127 and 633B.
62FD CALL $6AD1 Print the score.
6300 CALL $6AC9 Draw the main playing area.
6303 LD IX,$92D4 Draw the bonus bells.
6307 CALL $9ACA
630A CALL $6AEB Make any bonus visible that should be.
630D CALL $6D1B Draw lives.
6310 CALL $712D Display the current level in the graphic.
6313 LD A,($60B1) Does this level have a pit?
6316 CP $00
6318 CALL NZ,$B9CE Set it up if it does.
631B LD A,($60B0) Does this level have soldiers?
631E CP $00
6320 JR Z,$6329 Jump forward if it doesn't.
6322 LD IX,$9325 Draw the soldiers (9325).
6326 CALL $9ACA
6329 LD A,($60C4) Does this room have bells?
632C CP $00
632E JR Z,$6337 Jump forward if it doesn't.
6330 LD IX,$96C5 Draw the bells (96C5).
6334 CALL $9ACA
6337 CALL $80E8 Play the "start of level" tune.
633A RET
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