Prev: F7D6 Up: Map Next: F858
F817: Print the "game over" message and start a new game
Used by the routine at 946E.
F817 DI Disable interrupts.
F818 LD HL,$4000 Point HL to the start of the screen.
F81B LD IY,$5C3A Restore IY.
F81F IM 1 Turn IM1 back on.
F821 EI Re-enable interrupts.
F822 LD DE,$4001 Clear the screen.
F825 LD BC,$1AFF
F828 LD (HL),$00
F82C CALL $91E8 Print the score
F82F LD IX,$F04B Point IX at the "game over" message.
F833 XOR A
F834 LD ($CB17),A
F837 LD ($CB92),A
F83A LD ($CB91),A
F83D LD HL,$5840 Display bright yellow on black.
F840 LD DE,$5841
F843 LD BC,$027F
F846 LD (HL),$46
F84A CALL $CB03 Display the message.
F84D XOR A No effect.
F84E LD A,$05 Start drawing at column 5.
F850 LD ($CB17),A
F853 LD B,$FF Time to pause at the end.
F855 JP $F85D Jump forward to close the message.
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