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91E8: Print the score
Used by the routines at 919D, 9551, CAD1, CD41 and F817.
91E8 LD B,$05 Print 5 characters
91EA LD IX,$9217 Point IX to the score digits at 9217.
91EE LD IY,$9227 Point IY to the end of the score text at 9223.
91F2 LD A,(IX+$00) Get the next digit.
91F5 ADD A,$1B Convert it to a character in the character set (813B).
91F7 LD (IY+$00),A Store the digit in the printable text.
91FA DEC IY Move back a character.
91FC INC IX Move forward a digit.
91FE DJNZ $91F2 Loop until all 5 characters are done.
9200 SET 7,(IY+$05) Set bit 7 on the last character to mark the end of the string.
9204 LD IX,$9212 Point IX at the score position data.
9208 LD IY,$921C Point IY at the text to print.
920C LD B,$01 Print one line.
920E PUSH BC Ensure the stack is correct for the printing routine.
920F JP $809D Print the string.
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