Prev: 940C Up: Map Next: 949E
946E: Monty has died. Play the "death" tune and lose a life
Used by the routines at 8B90, 9148 and 9298.
946E CALL $8D7F Play the tune.
9471 LD HL,$964A Subtract 1 from the number of lives.
9474 DEC (HL)
9475 CALL $949E Redraw the display for this.
9478 LD A,($964A) Have we run out of lives?
947B OR A
947C JP Z,$F817 Jump if so.
947F LD HL,($964B) Set the current position to the start position in this room.
9482 LD ($5C7B),HL
9485 XOR A Set A to 0 to reset some flags.
9486 LD ($8D58),A Reset distance fallen.
9489 LD ($8D52),A Reset room flags.
948C LD ($8D53),A Reset game flags.
948F LD HL,$869C Reset the pointer to the movement table back to 869C.
9492 LD ($8492),HL
9495 LD ($848F),A Reset jump position.
9498 LD ($8498),A
949B JP $940C Re-enter the room.
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