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949E: Print the number of lives on the screen
Used by the routines at 946E, 9551 and CD41.
949E LD A,($964A) Get the number of lives.
94A1 ADD A,$1B Convert this to an offset into the character set at 813B.
94A3 SET 7,A Set bit 7 to make the string printing routine terminate after this character.
94A5 LD ($94C2),A Store this printable value at the end of the string text.
94A8 LD IX,$94B6 Point IX to the string position and data.
94AC LD IY,$94BB Point IY to the string text
94B0 LD B,$01 Set to print one row.
94B2 PUSH BC Make sure the stack returns from the string printing routine correctly.
94B3 JP $809D Print the string.
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