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9052: Update one side of a moving platform
Used by the routine at 8F31.
The routine is called at 9052 for the left side, and 9058 for the right side
9052 LD IY,$C622 Point to the left hand buffer and jump forward.
9056 JR $905C
9058 LD IY,$C626 Point to the right hand buffer.
This entry point is used by the routine at 8F31.
905C LD A,(IY+$00) Are the x and y co-ordinates both zero?
905F OR (IY+$01)
9062 RET Z If so, there are no moving platforms here, so return.
9063 LD H,$00 Put the y co-ordinate in HL.
9065 LD L,(IY+$01)
9068 ADD HL,HL Double it to get a word entry in the screen offset buffer.
9069 LD DE,$EA60 Add the base pointer to the screen offsets (EA60).
906D LD A,(HL) Put the screen address in HL.
906F LD H,(HL)
9070 LD L,A
9071 LD A,(IY+$00) Get the x co-ordinate.
9074 AND $F8 Extract the top 5 bits as a value.
9076 RRCA
9077 RRCA
9078 RRCA
9079 LD E,A Put this in DE.
907A LD D,$00
907C ADD HL,DE Add to get the actual screen address in HL.
907D PUSH HL Remember this.
907E LD A,(IY+$00) Get the bottom 3 bits of the x co-ordinate
9081 AND $07
9083 CALL $909B Shift it and store the result in C.
9086 LD C,A
9087 LD B,$03 3 rows to draw.
9089 POP DE Restore screen address.
908A LD HL,$9260 Add the offset to get a position in the screen buffer at D260.
908E CALL $90A3 Update a byte in the screen buffer.
9091 EX DE,HL Swap HL to the actual screen address.
9092 CALL $90A3 Update again; this ensures both the screen and the copy are in sync.
9095 EX DE,HL Put HL and DE the right way round again.
9096 INC H Move to the next row on screen.
9097 INC D
9098 DJNZ $908E Loop round until all the rows are drawn.
909A RET
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