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F5F1: Room logic : School Lane
First, draw the electricity wire.
F5F1 LD HL,$5DE7 Point HL to the screen buffer. (5B00)
F5F4 LD DE,$0020 Set DE to the amount to move forward by for each row.
F5F7 LD BC,$F5D3 Set BC to the data table. (F5D3)
F5FA LD (HL),$00 Reset all pixels on the first row.
F5FC ADD HL,DE Move to the next row.
F5FD LD (HL),$FF Set all pixels.
F5FF ADD HL,DE Move to the next row.
F600 LD (HL),$00 Reset all pixels.
F602 AND A Move back up to the initial row.
F607 LD A,(BC) Get the next byte.
F608 INC BC Move to the next place in the buffer.
F609 CP $FF Is it an end marker?
F60B JR Z,$F61D Jump foward if it is.
F60D OR A Is the data 0?
F60E JR Z,$F61A Jump forward if it isn't.
F610 CP $01 Is the data 1?
F612 JR NZ,$F617 Jump forward if it is.
F614 ADD HL,DE Otherwise move to the next row.
F615 JR $F61A
F617 AND A Move up a row.
F61A INC HL Move to the next column and repeat.
Now set the main data for the room.
F61D LD A,$06 Moving objects decrease endurance by 6.
F61F LD ($F26E),A
F622 LD IX,$F5BE Point IX at the movement table.
F626 LD B,$03 3 lightning bolts to draw.
F628 PUSH BC Store BC.
F629 LD A,$0D Is flag 0D (Asteroids game won) set?
F62E LD BC,$F5CA Point BC at the first bounds table. (F5CA)
F631 JR NZ,$F636 If the flag is set, skip the next bit.
F633 LD BC,$F5CE Otherwise point BC at the second bounds table. (F5CE)
F636 CALL $EF35 Update moving objects.
F639 LD A,($F5D2) Get the next object ID to print.
F63C XOR $02 Invert bit 2, so the ID alternates between 38 and 3A.
F63E LD ($F5D2),A Set this for the next object ID.
F641 CALL $A8A0 Draw moving objects.
F644 CALL $E329 Check for collision detection.
F647 POP BC Restore BC.
F648 DJNZ $F628 Loop while there are more lighting bolts to draw.
F64A RET Return.
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