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B451: The game has ended. Print the final score.
Used by the routine at E33F.
B451 CALL $B8ED Clear the screen.
B454 LD HL,$ECFE Point HL at the total money earned.
B457 LD DE,$080A Set the position to draw this.
B45A LD C,$00
B45C CALL $B34C Draw it.
B45F LD HL,$7D48 Point HL at the game over text. (7D48)
B462 LD DE,$0504 Set the position to draw the text.
B465 CALL $B8C4 Print it.
B468 CALL $B3AB Wait for a keypress.
B46B CALL $B2F1 Print who earned what.
B46E JP $8184 Restart the game.
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