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AE5D: Get the new room and co-ordinates for a computer controlled player.
Used by the routines at AAB2, AADD, AB09, AB26, AB43, AB60 and AB9B.
AE5D LD A,(IY+$0F) Set the current room to the most recently visited room.
AE60 LD (IY+$6E),A
AE63 LD A,(IY+$69) Set the target room as the current room.
AE66 LD (IY+$0F),A
AE69 LD A,(IY+$73) Get the index of next co-ordinates to use. (BCDA)
AE6C CALL $AC5F Point HL at the co-ordinate table to use.
AE6F LD A,(HL) Set the new x co-ordinate.
AE70 LD (IY+$05),A
AE73 INC HL Set the new y co-ordinate.
AE74 LD A,(HL)
AE75 LD (IY+$0A),A
AE78 XOR A Set the current frame to 0.
AE79 LD (IY+$00),A
AE7C CALL $ADBA Update the character.
AE7F XOR A Set A to 0 to set some flags.
AE80 LD (IY+$37),A Set the character as on the ground (ie: not falling)
AE83 LD (IY+$3C),A Set the character to not jumping.
AE86 LD (IY+$46),A Set the character to not jumping in any direction.
AE89 RET Return.
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