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Routines |
Prev: ABD7 | Up: Map | Next: AC5F |
Used by the routine at 8184.
This routine sees if the character is at the left or right of the screen, or 'in' was pressed, and switches rooms if appropriate.
AC06 | LD A,(IY+$05) | Get the current player's x co-ordinate. (BC6C) | ||||||
AC09 | OR A | Is it zero? (far left) | ||||||
AC0A | JR Z,$AC15 | Jump forward if it is. | ||||||
AC0C | CP $F0 | Is it F0? (far right) | ||||||
AC0E | JR Z,$AC15 | Jump forward if it is. | ||||||
AC10 | CALL $ABD7 | Was the 'in' key pressed? | ||||||
AC13 | OR A | |||||||
AC14 | RET Z | Return if not. | ||||||
Player has moved off screen, so do something.
AC15 | LD A,(IY+$0F) | Put the current room in A. | ||||||
AC18 | CALL $AC69 | Get the "next rooms" table for this room. | ||||||
AC1B | EX DE,HL | Swap DE and HL, so the "next rooms" table is in DE. | ||||||
Loop through the entries in the room, seeing what can be done.
AC1C | LD A,(DE) | Get the next entry. | ||||||
AC1D | CP $FF | Is this an 'end' marker? | ||||||
AC1F | RET Z | Return if it is. | ||||||
AC20 | LD B,A | Otherwise put the new room in B. | ||||||
AC21 | INC DE | Put the co-ordinate table in A. | ||||||
AC22 | LD A,(DE) | |||||||
AC23 | INC DE | |||||||
AC24 | INC DE | |||||||
AC25 | CALL $AC5F | Get the co-ordinate table for this index. | ||||||
AC28 | LD A,(HL) | Get the X co-ordinate. | ||||||
AC29 | SUB (IY+$05) | Is it close enough to the current X co-ordinate? | ||||||
AC2C | SUB $08 | |||||||
AC2E | CP $F0 | |||||||
AC30 | JR C,$AC1C | Jump back if not. | ||||||
The X co-ordinate is in range.
AC32 | INC HL | Get the Y co-ordinate. | ||||||
AC33 | LD A,(HL) | Does it match the player's? | ||||||
AC34 | CP (IY+$0A) | |||||||
AC37 | JR NZ,$AC1C | Jump back if it doesn't. | ||||||
AC39 | DEC DE | Jump back to the X co-ordinate placeholder. | ||||||
AC3A | LD (IY+$0F),B | Set the new room to B. | ||||||
AC3D | LD A,(DE) | |||||||
AC3E | CALL $AC5F | Get the co-ordinate table for this index. | ||||||
AC41 | LD A,(HL) | Get the X co-ordinate. | ||||||
AC42 | OR A | Is it zero? | ||||||
AC43 | JR NZ,$AC47 | No, must have not come in from the left. | ||||||
AC45 | LD A,$02 | Otherwise set the co-ordinate to be far left. | ||||||
AC47 | CP $F0 | Is it far right? | ||||||
AC49 | JR NZ,$AC4D | No, must have come in from elsewhere. | ||||||
AC4B | LD A,$EE | Otherwise set the co-ordinates to be far right. | ||||||
AC4D | LD (IY+$05),A | Write new X co-ordinate to memory. | ||||||
AC50 | INC HL | Get the Y co-ordinate. | ||||||
AC51 | LD A,(HL) | |||||||
AC52 | LD (IY+$0A),A | Set the new Y co-ordinate. | ||||||
AC55 | CALL $B952 | Draw the room. | ||||||
AC58 | CALL $ABD7 | Wait until the 'in' key is released before continuing. | ||||||
AC5B | OR A | |||||||
AC5C | JR NZ,$AC58 | |||||||
AC5E | RET | Return. |
Prev: ABD7 | Up: Map | Next: AC5F |