Prev: 964D Up: Map Next: 96AA
968D: Clear a non-coal item, as it has been collected
Used by the routine at 9568.
HL Screen offset of the item
968D LD B,$08 8 lines to clear.
968F LD (HL),$00 Blank the part of the line where the item was.
9691 INC HL
9692 LD (HL),$00
9694 DEC HL
9695 INC H Next line.
9696 DJNZ $968F Jump back if there is more to do.
9698 LD HL,($C524) Put the co-ordinate of the item in ECDE.
969B LD ($ECDE),HL
969E LD HL,$7780 7780 is the empty graphic.
96A1 LD ($ECE0),HL Store the graphic.
96A4 CALL $EBE0 Print the item.
96A7 JP $95AE Reset the index and exit.
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