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964D: Array of points given for each 'nth' coal item
If bit 7 is reset, Monty has picked this coal up. When the game starts, bit 7 on all bytes is set, so coal will not appear. After grabbing the bucket, the bit is reset, so coal can be collected.
Although seemingly random, clearing bit 7 reveals the assembler text A LD (NUTDROP), A LD (NUTEXP),A LD HL,30592 LD (60640 which is the code at CD0A.
964D DEFB $41,$0D,$5A,$0A,$09,$4C,$44,$09
9655 DEFB $28,$4E,$55,$54,$44,$52,$4F,$50
965D DEFB $29,$2C,$41,$0D,$64,$0A,$09,$4C
9665 DEFB $44,$09,$28,$4E,$55,$54,$45,$58
966D DEFB $50,$29,$2C,$41,$0D,$6E,$0A,$09
9675 DEFB $4C,$44,$09,$48,$4C,$2C,$33,$30
967D DEFB $35,$39,$32,$0D,$78,$0A,$09,$4C
9685 DEFB $44,$09,$28,$36,$30,$36,$34,$30
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