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95B3: Animate the coal colours in the room
Used by the routines at 940C and 9551.
95B3 LD IX,$C53F Point IX at the coal data (C53F).
95B7 LD HL,$CF54 Blank out the screen attribute buffer CF54.
95BA LD (HL),$00
95BC LD DE,$CF55
95BF LD BC,$02FF
95C4 LD B,$05 Loop round five items.
95C7 LD L,(IX+$00) Get the coal score index in HL.
95CA LD H,$00
95CC LD DE,$964D 964D is the base pointer to the coal score table.
95CF ADD HL,DE Get the right position.
95D0 BIT 7,(HL) Has Monty already picked the coal up?
95D2 JR Z,$95DF If so, there's nothing to do here.
95D4 LD A,(IX+$01) Are the X and Y co-ordinates both zero?
95D7 OR (IX+$02)
95DA JR Z,$95DF Move forward if so, there's no coal here.
95DC CALL $95E8
95DF LD DE,$0003 Point at the next position.
95E4 POP BC Loop round to the next item.
95E5 DJNZ $95C6
95E7 RET
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