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8AD3: Update Monty while jumping
Used by the routine at 8A63.
8AD3 LD A,($848E) Move to the next animation frame 0 - 7.
8AD7 AND $07
8AD9 LD ($848E),A
8ADC SRL A Halve this value to get the right graphic index.
8ADE PUSH AF Remember A.
8ADF LD DE,$849C Point DE to the current jump table.
8AE2 LD A,($848F) Get the current jump height.
8AE5 DEC A Decrement by 1 and store it.
8AE6 LD ($832E),A
8AE9 POP AF Restore A.
8AEA CALL $8395 Select the graphic to draw for Monty.
8AED LD ($848C),HL Point to this in 848C.
8AF0 LD A,($5C7C) Get the Y co-ordinate.
8AF3 ADD A,$02 Redraw Monty to the right.
8AF5 CALL $8452
8AF8 LD A,($5C7C) Get the Y co-ordinate.
8AFB SUB $10 Redraw Monty to the left.
8AFD CALL $8452
8B00 LD HL,($8494) Get the pitch for the jump sound.
8B03 LD DE,$0001 Length is always 1.
8B06 CALL $03B6 Call the ROM BEEP routine without disabling interrupts.
8B09 JP $8B34 Move forward to check for movement restrictions.
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