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F202: Print the current miles "out of town"
Used by the routine at F177.
F202 LD HL,($F15B) Put the number of miles in HL.
F205 LD BC,$DFDC Set the drawing routine at B7BA to use the character set (DFDC) as a base address.
F208 LD ($B7E9),BC
F20C LD DE,$1208 Set the position.
F20F LD A,$2F Set A just before ASCII '0' so the correct digits are printed.
F211 LD BC,$2710 Print tens of thousands.
F214 CALL $F233
F217 LD BC,$03E8 Print thousands.
F21A CALL $F233
F21D LD BC,$0064 Print hundreds.
F220 CALL $F233
F223 LD BC,$000A Print tens.
F226 CALL $F233
F229 LD BC,$0001 Print units.
F22C CALL $F233
F22F LD A,$4D Print 'M'.
F231 JR $F23A
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