Prev: F10A Up: Map Next: F158
F10E: See if the jumping jack needs to be on screen, and if so, move it
Used by the routine at 81AE.
F10E LD A,$04 Touching the jumping jack drops endurance by 4.
F110 LD ($F26E),A
F113 LD IX,$F104 Point IX at the movement table.
F117 LD BC,$F10A Point BC at the bounds.
F11A CALL $EF35 Update the object positions.
F11D LD A,(IX-$04) Get the x co-ordinate.
F120 OR A Is it zero?
F121 JR NZ,$F13F Jump forward if it isn't.
F123 DEC (IX+$01) Decrement the tick counter.
F126 JR NZ,$F13F Jump forward if it's not zero.
The tick counter has reached 0, need to update.
F128 LD (IX+$01),$02 Set the tick counter back to 2.
F12C LD (IX-$04),$00 Set the x co-ordinate to 0.
F130 LD (IX-$03),$A8 Set the y co-ordinate to A8.
F134 LD (IX-$01),$FE Set the direction to -2. (ie: 2 updwards)
F138 CALL $AF01 Set the next room for the jumping jack to appear in. and return.
F13B LD (IX+$00),A
Now draw the jumping jack if it's visible.
F13F LD A,(IX+$00) Get the jumping jack's current room.
F142 CP (IY+$0F) Is it the same room the player is in?
F145 RET NZ Return if not.
The jumping jack is in the same room as the player, so draw it.
F146 LD A,(IX-$03) Get the Y co-ordinate.
F149 CP $A8 If it's A8 set A to the first jumping jack graphic. (8C78) Otherwise, set A to the second jumping jack graphic
F14B LD A,$48
F14D JR NZ,$F151
F14F LD A,$4A
F151 CALL $A8A0 Put the object in the sprite buffer.
F154 CALL $E329 Check for collision detection.
F157 RET Return.
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