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F057: Chase : Update the shark
Used by the routine at EFC7.
F057 LD A,($F046) Get the shark's direction.
F05A OR A Is it facing left?
F05B CALL NZ,$F047 If not, reverse the graphic so it is.
F05E LD HL,($F0BD) Put the x co-ordinate in L and set the y co-ordinate to 98.
F061 LD H,$98
F063 LD A,$30 Set the object ID to be the shark's head (88F8)
F065 LD ($A838),HL Set the position.
F068 CALL $A8A0 Put the object in the sprite buffer.
F06B LD H,$A8 Set the y co-ordinate to A8.
F06D LD ($A838),HL Set the position.
F070 LD A,($F3A0) Get the object ID of the shark's body.
F073 XOR $02 Toggle bit 2, so it alternates between 2D and 2F.
F075 LD ($F3A0),A
F078 CALL $A8A0 Put the object in the sprite buffer.
F07B LD A,$0C Touching the shark drops endurance by 0C.
F07D LD ($F26E),A
F080 CALL $E329 Check for collision detection.
F083 LD A,(IY+$0A) Get the player's Y co-ordinate.
F086 CP $98 Is it 98 ie: ground level.
F088 RET NZ Return if it is, chase hasn't started.
The chase is on.
F089 LD HL,$F0BD Point HL to the shark's x co-ordinate.
F08C LD A,(HL) Has the shark caught up with the player?
F08D SUB (IY+$05)
F090 SUB $01
F092 CP $FE
F094 JR NC,$F09A Jump forward if it has, it doesn't need to chase any more.
F096 LD A,(HL) Otherwise decrement the X co-ordinate by 2.
F097 SUB $02
F099 LD (HL),A
F09A LD A,(HL) Is the shark close enough to the player to attack?
F09B SUB (IY+$05)
F09E SUB $0C
F0A0 CP $E0
F0A2 JR C,$F0AE Jump forward if it isn't.
The shark is close enough to attack the player, so don't make them advance otherwise they'll overtake and not attack anymore.
F0A4 INC (HL) Increment the X co-ordinate.
F0A5 LD A,($F0E4) Get the number of ticks in this run.
F0A8 INC A Increment it.
F0A9 CP $05 Return if it doesn't equal 5 yet.
F0AC JR $F0B3 Otherwise set it to that value.
The shark isn't close enough yet.
F0AE LD A,($F0E4) Get the number of ticks in this run.
F0B1 DEC A Decrement it.
F0B2 RET Z Return if it doesn't equal 0 yet.
F0B3 LD ($F0E4),A Otherwise set it to that value and return.
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