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EDC6: Action 8 SAFE. The safe has been touched with a combination letter. Process it now.
EDC6 PUSH HL Remember HL.
EDC7 LD HL,$EDBE Point HL at the list of which order to bring letters. (EDBE)
EDCA LD A,($EDC5) Put the number of safe letters already used in A. (EDC5)
EDCD LD E,A Put in this in DE.
EDD0 ADD HL,DE Add the base address of the letters to give an offset from EDBE.
EDD1 LD A,(HL) Get the next character ID.
EDD2 CP $FF Is it an end marker (FF)?
EDD4 JR Z,$EDE5 Jump forward if it is.
EDD6 CP (IY-$28) Is the character ID the current player?
EDD9 JR NZ,$EDE9 Jump forward if it isn't.
The right character is at the safe.
EDDB INC E Move to the next position in the buffer.
EDDC LD A,E Store this as the number of safe letters used.
EDE0 CP $06 Have all safe letters been used?
EDE2 JP Z,$B3C3 If so, the safe is cracked and the game is won! Display the final sequence.
EDE5 POP HL Otherwise, restore HL and process more actions.
The wrong character is at the safe.
EDE9 DEC HL Move back in the list.
EDEA LD A,(HL) Get the character ID from here.
EDEB CP (IY-$28) Does it equal the current character?
EDEE JR Z,$EDE5 If so, leave here.
EDF0 LD A,$01 Otherwise, reset the number of letters completed back to 1.
EDF5 JR $EDE5 Jump back to return and process more actions.
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