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5B80: Main decrypter
5B80 LD BC,$A299 Set BC to the length
5B83 LD HL,$5B97 Set HL to the start
5B86 XOR A Initialize the memory refresh register R to 0.
5B87 LD R,A
5B89 LD A,R Get the next value of R as a hash value.
5B8B XOR (HL) Use this to invert the relevant bits pointed by HL.
5B8C LD (HL),A
5B8D DEC BC Decrease the length.
5B8E INC HL Increase the byte pointed to by HL.
5B8F LD A,B Loop until all bytes are decrypted.
5B90 OR C
5B91 JR NZ,$5B89
5B93 RET
This entry point is used by the routine in FEDE.
5B94 CALL $5B80 Decrypt the game
5B97 JP $8184 Start the game
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