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9327: Return IX pointing to the index of the nasty Monty is touching, or 0
Used by the routine at 92DF.
9327 LD IX,$C596 Point IX to the nasties buffer at C596.
932B LD B,$06 Maximum of 6 nasties per room.
932D LD HL,($5C7B) Get the current
9330 LD A,L Put the X co-ordinate in A.
9331 SUB (IX+$0C) Subtract the X co-ordinate of the nasty.
9334 JR NC,$9338 If it is less than or the same, skip forward.
9336 NEG If it is greater than, skip forward.
9338 AND $F0
933A JR NZ,$9350
933C LD A,H Put the Y co-ordinate in A.
933D SUB (IX+$0D) Subtract the Y co-ordinate of the nasty.
9340 JR NC,$9344 If it is less than or the same, skip forward.
9342 NEG If it is greater than, skip forward.
9344 AND $F0
9346 JR NZ,$9350
9348 LD A,(IX+$00) Is the collectable item flag set?
934B CP $03
934D JR Z,$9350 No, so loop forward.
934F RET Return with IX pointing at the nasty found.
9350 LD DE,$0014 Loop round to the next nasty.
9353 ADD IX,DE
9355 DJNZ $932D
9357 LD IX,$0000 Clear IX and return.
935B RET
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