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927E: Check if Monty is touching a (non-coal) collectable item, and if so, pick it up
Used by the routine at 940C.
927E LD HL,($5C7B) Get the current position in HL.
9281 LD A,($C526) Get the collectable item flag (C526).
9284 OR A Is it zero?
9285 RET Z Return if so - there is no item here.
9286 LD A,($C524) Does the X co-ordinate match?
9289 CP L
928A RET NZ Return if not.
928B LD A,($C525) Does the Y co-ordinate match?
928E CP H
9290 SET 3,(IX+$00) Mark the item as collected.
9294 CALL $9568 Pick up the item and return.
9297 RET
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