Prev: 912B Up: Map Next: 9148
912C: Animate the shower water in room 11 (2)
Used by the routine at 90BD.
HL Graphic index for the shower head
A ID to set.
912C LD (HL),A Set the value
Draw the top row.
912D LD IX,$7780 7780 is the empty graphic.
9131 LD HL,$4841 Location on screen.
9134 LD DE,$DAA1 Location in the screen buffer.
9137 CALL $90F2 Draw the graphic.
Draw the bottom row.
913A LD IX,$7780 7780 is the empty graphic.
913E LD HL,$4861 Location on screen.
9141 LD DE,$DAC1 Location in the screen buffer.
9144 CALL $90F2 Draw the graphic.
Both rows done.
9147 RET Return.
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