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Routines |
Prev: 8963 | Up: Map | Next: 89D4 |
Used by the routine at 887D.
8964 | CP $03 | Is the nasty invisible? | ||||||
8966 | JP Z,$8857 | Jump if so. | ||||||
8969 | LD A,(IX+$10) | Decrement the current distance. | ||||||
896C | DEC A | |||||||
896D | JP NZ,$8762 | Jump if it is not zero. | ||||||
The nasty needs to be redrawn.
8970 | LD A,(IX+$0E) | Get the width or height. | ||||||
8973 | LD (IX+$10),A | Set this to the current distance travelled. | ||||||
8976 | LD (IX+$00),$03 | Make the nasty invisible in its current position. | ||||||
897A | LD A,(IX+$0A) | Get the index. | ||||||
897D | ADD A,A | Convert this to an offset to the nasty table. | ||||||
897E | ADD A,A | |||||||
897F | LD B,A | |||||||
8980 | ADD A,A | |||||||
8981 | ADD A,A | |||||||
8982 | ADD A,B | |||||||
8983 | LD E,A | |||||||
8984 | LD D,$00 | |||||||
8986 | LD HL,$C596 | |||||||
8989 | ADD HL,DE | |||||||
898A | LD A,$02 | Set that this is a unidirectional nasty (should already be set). | ||||||
898C | LD (HL),A | |||||||
898D | LD B,(IX+$0E) | Multiply the distance covered by the speed to denote the offset to move back to the initial position and store it in B. | ||||||
8990 | DEC B | |||||||
8991 | LD C,(IX+$11) | |||||||
8994 | XOR A | |||||||
8995 | ADD A,C | |||||||
8996 | DJNZ $8995 | |||||||
8998 | LD B,A | |||||||
8999 | LD A,(IX+$0B) | Get the current direction. | ||||||
899C | OR A | Is the nasty moving up? | ||||||
899D | JR NZ,$89A9 | Jump forward if not. | ||||||
899F | LD A,(IX+$0D) | Move the Y co-ordinate down by the appropriate distance and move forward. | ||||||
89A2 | SUB B | |||||||
89A3 | LD (IX+$0D),A | |||||||
89A6 | JP $8857 | |||||||
89A9 | CP $01 | Is the nasty moving up? | ||||||
89AB | JR NZ,$89B7 | Jump forward if not. | ||||||
89AD | LD A,(IX+$0D) | Move the Y co-ordinate up by the appropriate distance and move forward. | ||||||
89B0 | ADD A,B | |||||||
89B1 | LD (IX+$0D),A | |||||||
89B4 | JP $8857 | |||||||
89B7 | CP $02 | Is the nasty moving left? | ||||||
89B9 | JR NZ,$89C5 | Jump forward if not. | ||||||
89BB | LD A,(IX+$0C) | Move the X co-ordinate right by the appropriate distance and move forward. | ||||||
89BE | ADD A,B | |||||||
89BF | LD (IX+$0C),A | |||||||
89C2 | JP $8857 | |||||||
89C5 | CP $03 | Is the nasty moving right? | ||||||
89C7 | JP NZ,$8857 | Jump forward if not. | ||||||
89CA | LD A,(IX+$0C) | Move the X co-ordinate left by the appropriate distance and move forward. | ||||||
89CD | SUB B | |||||||
89CE | LD (IX+$0C),A | |||||||
89D1 | JP $8857 |
Prev: 8963 | Up: Map | Next: 89D4 |