Prev: 832E Up: Map Next: 8395
832F: Unused
832F LD A,($848F) Get the current position off the ground.
8332 OR A Is it zero?
8333 JP NZ,$83B5 Jump forward if not.
8336 LD A,($832E) Get the last movement (832E).
8339 BIT 7,A Was "jump" pressed?
833B JR Z,$8342 Jump forward if not.
833D RES 7,A Reset the jump flag.
833F LD ($848F),A
8342 LD A,($832E) Get the last movement without the jump bit.
8345 AND $07
8347 CP $04 Was there any movement?
8349 RET Z Return if not.
834A LD B,A
834B LD A,($849B)
834E CP B
834F JR NZ,$83AD
8351 CP $02
8353 JR NZ,$837B
8355 LD A,($8490)
8358 DEC A
8359 CP $3F
835B JP Z,$870E
835E CP $B8
8360 JP Z,$86BC
8363 LD ($8490),A This entry point is used by the routine at 83AD.
8366 LD A,($848E)
8369 INC A
836A AND $07
836C LD ($848E),A
836F SRL A
8371 LD DE,$849C
8374 CALL $8395
8377 LD ($848C),HL
837A RET
837B CP $03
837E LD A,($8490)
8381 INC A
8382 CP $D8
8384 JR NZ,$8387
8386 DEC A
8387 CP $B8
8389 JP Z,$86BC
838C LD ($8490),A
838F LD A,($848E)
8392 DEC A
8393 JR $836A
Prev: 832E Up: Map Next: 8395