Prev: 8000 Up: Map Next: 808A
8069: Toggle the display on every interrupt so the selected option is flashing
Used by the routine at 8000.
8069 HALT Wait for interrupts.
806A LD A,($82A4) Loop the cycle counter through 0 - 0F.
806D INC A
806E AND $0F
8070 LD ($82A4),A
8073 RET NZ Return if it is not time to change.
8074 LD A,($82A5) Toggle the state flag between 0 and 1.
8077 LD B,A
8078 LD A,$01
807A SUB B
807B LD ($82A5),A
807E OR A If the state is 1, print a blank character.
807F JR Z,$808A
8081 LD A,(IX+$03) Otherwise, display the string.
8084 LD C,$47
8086 CALL $80FF
8089 RET
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