Page Byte Address Description
64 0 4000
Loading screen
121 24 7918
Copy of Quasimodo R
129 176 81B0
Number of notes in the tune
129 177 81B1
Tune data
131 9 8309
Current level graphic data
136 184 88B8
Full wall graphics
137 24 8918
Pit wall graphics
137 120 8978
Rampart wall graphics
137 216 89D8
Rampart with soldiers wall graphics
144 136 9088
Graphics : Main playing area
146 89 9259
Graphics : Ramparts (short) left edge
146 126 927E
Graphics : Pit left edge
146 163 92A3
Graphics : Ramparts (long) left edge
146 212 92D4
Graphics : Blank bell area
147 37 9325
Graphics : Rampart soldiers
147 158 939E
Graphics : Rampart soldiers raised spears
147 195 93C3
Graphics : Rampart soldiers raised foot
147 220 93DC
Graphics : Rampart soldiers lowered spears
148 1 9401
Graphics : Rampart soldiers lowered foot
148 26 941A
Graphics : End of level score box
148 139 948B
Graphics : Start of game options
150 176 96B0
Graphics : SCORE
150 197 96C5
Graphics : Row of bells
151 86 9756
Graphics : Esmerelda
151 223 97DF
Graphics : HELP
151 240 97F0
Graphics : Heart
152 88 9858
Copy of Quasimodo L
156 64 9C40
Title screen
186 51 BA33
Rope graphics buffer
191 104 BF68
Number of notes in the level completed tune
191 105 BF69
Level completed note data
191 114 BF72
Number of notes ??
191 115 BF73
Note data
191 119 BF77
Number of notes in the jump tune
191 120 BF78
Jump tune note data
191 124 BF7C
Number of notes in the lost a life tune
191 125 BF7D
Lost a life note data
191 164 BFA4
Number of notes in the ???
191 165 BFA5
Note data
192 108 C06C
Fiery pit graphics
195 80 C350
Sprite 00 - 07 : Quasimodo right
196 208 C4D0
Sprite 08 - 0F : Quasimodo left
198 80 C650
Sprite 10 - 13 : Arrow left
199 16 C710
Sprite 14 - 17 : Fireball left
199 208 C7D0
Sprite 18 - 1B : Arrow right
200 144 C890
Sprite 1C - 1F : Fireball right
201 80 C950
Sprite 20 - 27 : Quasimodo on rope
202 208 CAD0
Sprite 28 - 2B : Chasing knight
205 12 CD0C