Address Length Description
607F 1
Quasimodo Y co-ordinate
Values are between 38 (floor) and 26 (maximum)
6080 1
Quasimodo X co-ordinate
Values are between 00 (far left) and 1A (far right)
6081 1
Quasimodo sub-frame
6082 1
Y co-ordinate of current fireball / arrow / chasing knight
6083 1
X co-ordinate of current fireball / arrow / chasing knight
6084 1
Sub-frame of current fireball / arrow / chasing knight
6085 1
Jump flag
0 - static, 1 - rising, 2 - falling
6086 1
0 - left, 1 - right
6087 1
R - L Fireball / arrow attribute
6088 1
R - L Fireball / arrow X co-ordinate
6089 1
R - L Fireball / arrow Y co-ordinate
608A 1
R - L Fireball / arrow sprite ID
608B 1
Set to 1 for R - L fireballs or arrows
608C 1
L - R Fireball / arrow attribute
608D 1
L - R Fireball / arrow X co-ordinate
Starts at A0 and decreases to 50
608E 1
L - R Fireball / arrow Y co-ordinate
608F 1
L - R Fireball / arrow sprite ID
6090 1
Set to 1 for L - R fireballs or arrows
6091 1
High L - R fireball / arrow attribute
6092 1
High L - R fireball / arrow X co-ordinate
6093 1
High L - R fireball / arrow Y co-ordinate
6094 1
High L - R fireball / arrow sprite ID
6095 1
Set to 1 for L - R high fireballs or arrows
6096 1
High R - L fireball / arrow attribute
6097 1
High R - L fireball / arrow X co-ordinate
6098 1
High R - L fireball / arrow Y co-ordinate
6099 1
High R - L fireball / arrow sprite ID
609A 1
Set to 1 for R - L high fireballs or arrows
609B 1
Set to 1 if this level has R - L fireballs or arrows
609C 1
Set to 1 if this level has L - R fireballs or arrows
609D 1
Set to 1 if this level has L - R high fireballs or arrows
609E 1
Set to 1 if this level has R - L high fireballs or arrows
609F 1
Set to 1 for collision
60A0 1
Current level
60A1 7
60A8 5
Level bonus
60AD 1
Number of bells rung
60AE 1
Time before switching soldier state
60AF 1
State of rampart soldiers
0 - none, 1 - spear lowered, 2 - spear raised
60B0 1
Set to 1 to put soldiers in the ramparts
60B1 1
Set to 1 if this level has the fiery pit
60B2 1
Game status buffer entry at 60B2
60B3 1
Game status buffer entry at 60B3
60B4 1
Game status buffer entry at 60B4
60B5 1
Game status buffer entry at 60B5
60B6 1
Next sprite ID to use for L - R static objects
60B7 1
Next sprite ID to use for "high" static objects
60B8 1
Number of lives
60B9 1
Set to 1 if a Kempston joystick is installed
60BA 1
Set to 1 if Interface 2 is installed
60BB 1
Set to 1 if Protek joystick is installed
60BC 1
Score to award (in hundreds)
60BD 1
Chasing knight Y co-ordinate
60BE 1
Chasing knight UDG ID (climbing)
60BF 1
Set to 1 if Quasimodo is on the rope
60C0 1
Set to 1 if Quasimodo died while on the rope
60C1 1
Game status buffer entry at 60C1
60C2 1
Time before the chasing knight should move
60C3 1
Game status buffer entry at 60C3
60C4 1
Set to 1 to put in a row of bells
60C5 1
Set to 1 if Quasimodo has grabbed a bell on the pit
60C6 1
Set to 1 if all objects should be updated
60C7 1
Animation state of the "HELP" message on the last level
Alternates between 0 and 1
60C8 1
Game status buffer entry at 60C8
60C9 1
Chasing knight Y co-ordinate
60CA 1
Chasing knight X co-ordinate
60CB 1
Chasing knight sprite ID (chasing)
60CC 1
Time before chasing knight sprite ID moves forward
60CD 1
Set to 1 if the chasking knight has climbed the wall
60CE 1
Game status buffer entry at 60CE
60CF 1
Position on the level display
60D0 1
Set to 1 if awarding extra life
60D1 1
Set to 1 if Quasimodo has fallen off a ledge
885A 1
Set to 1 if Quasimodo collided with an object
8B2B 1
Holds the slot the new score should be put in on the table
9B2B 1
Game status buffer entry at 9B2B
BA03 1
Rope X position
BA04 1
Rope angle (?)
C06B 1
Current frame for the fiery pit flames
C14C 16
Time remaining on the super bonus beep