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6530: Clear the screen
Used by the routines at 65B3 and 6711.
6530 LD HL,$4000 Blank the display file
6533 LD DE,$4001
6536 LD BC,$1800
6539 LD (HL),$00
653D LD BC,$02FF Blank the attributes
6540 LD (HL),$3B
6542 LDIR
6544 LD HL,$5AC0 Put the relevant colour
6547 LD B,$1E segments at the bottom
6549 LD (HL),$7B of the playing area
654B INC L
654C LD (HL),$78
654F DJNZ $654C
6551 LD (HL),$7B
6553 LD HL,$50C0
6556 LD B,$08
6558 LD A,$E0
655A LD (HL),A
655B INC H
655C DJNZ $655A
655E LD HL,$50DF
6561 LD B,$08
6563 LD A,$0F
6565 LD (HL),A
6566 INC H
6567 DJNZ $6565
6569 LD C,$04
656B LD HL,$50E0
656E LD B,$20
6570 PUSH HL
6571 LD (HL),$FF
6573 INC HL
6574 DJNZ $6571
6576 POP HL
6577 INC H
6578 DEC C
6579 JR NZ,$656E
657B CALL $66DB
657E RET
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