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EF7C: Draw any glowing objects (dynamite or test tubes)
Used by the routines at C800 and DD8D.
EF7C LD HL,$EF48 Get the tick count. (EF48)
EF7F INC (HL) Increment it.
EF80 BIT 0,(HL) Return if bit 0 is no longer set.
EF83 LD HL,($EF7A) Set A to the next attribute in the table at EF7A.
EF87 LD A,(HL)
EF88 CP $07 Is it 7?
EF8A JR NZ,$EF8F Skip the next code if it is.
EF8C LD HL,$EF71 Otherwise, loop back to the start of the buffer.
EF8F LD ($EF7A),HL Set the current pointer to the attribute.
EF92 LD ($EF5C),A Set the attribute for the dynamite.
EF95 LD ($EF70),A Set the attribute for the test tube.
EF98 BIT 5,(IX+$04) Is there any dynamite in the room?
EF9C JR Z,$EFAA Jump forward if not.
EF9E LD E,(IX+$09) Put the dynamite co-ordinates in DE.
EFA1 LD D,(IX+$0A)
EFA4 LD HL,$EF49 Point HL at the dynamite UDG (EF49).
EFA7 CALL $E84E Draw it.
EFAA BIT 4,(IX+$04) Is there a test tube in the room?
EFAE RET Z Return if not.
EFAF LD E,(IX+$02) Put the test tube co-ordinates in DE.
EFB2 LD D,(IX+$03)
EFB5 LD HL,$EF5D Point HL at the test tube UDG (EF5D).
EFB8 CALL $E84E Draw it.
EFBB RET Return.
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