Prev: E62F Up: Map Next: E662
E644: Launch the blimp
Used by the routine at E62F.
E644 CALL $E916 Update the blimp.
E647 LD A,($C87E) Get the game flags. (C87E)
E64A AND $07 Ensure bits 1 - 3 are set.
E64C RET NZ Return if not.
E64D LD HL,$5820 Scroll the attributes up one row.
E650 LD DE,$5800
E653 LD BC,$00C0
E658 LD HL,$C878 Get the height landed.
E65B LD A,$08 If it's greater than 8, reset the machine.
E65D CP (HL)
E65E JP C,$0000
E661 RET Otherwise return.
Prev: E62F Up: Map Next: E662