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CC36: Draw the river
Used by the routine at CBBD.
CC36 LD A,($CFCA) Get the current room. (CFCA)
CC39 CP $08 Is it less than 8?
CC3B RET NC If so, the room is not at ground level, so return.
The room is at ground level, so draw the river.
CC3C LD HL,$6985 Point HL at the river graphics. (6985)
CC3F LD DE,$5060 Point DE at the initial screen position.
CC42 LD C,$03 3 rows to draw.
CC44 PUSH DE Remember the screen posiiton in DE.
CC45 LD B,$20 20 columns to draw.
CC47 LD A,(HL) Get the graphic data.
CC48 LD (DE),A Put it on screen.
CC49 INC HL Move to the next graphic data.
CC4A INC E Move to the next column on screen.
CC4B DJNZ $CC47 Loop while there are more columns on this row to draw.
CC4D POP DE Restore the screen position in DE.
CC4E INC D Move to the next row on screen.
CC4F DEC C Loop while there are more rows to draw.
CC50 JR NZ,$CC44
CC52 LD DE,$5A60 Point DE at the attributes.
CC55 LD A,$4F Draw bright white on blue.
CC57 LD B,$20 20 columns to set attributes for.
CC59 LD (DE),A Set this column.
CC5A INC E Move to the next column.
CC5B DJNZ $CC59 Loop until all the columns have had attributes set.
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